Mid-South Nursery & Greenhouses

Want to give the outside of your home a truly one-of-a kind appearance and make a statement of your own personal taste and style? Then plant flowers to add splashes of color throughout the growing season. Our greenhouses can provide you with just the special touch for your yard for any season! We have almost anything that you can imagine to add make your yard stand out among the rest, including: annuals, perennials, roses, herbs, container gardens, hanging baskets, ground cover, and more!
Spend some time doing some planning and research before you begin your purchase. Some factors need to be kept in mind when choosing the types of flowers you plan to grow.
What type of flower do you prefer?
Annuals grow from seeds, bloom the current year, then die.
Perennials establish from seeds the first year but won’t produce flowers until the following year, however they will re-grow and bloom for years to come. Ex: daylilies, asparagus and hosta, hellebores (Lenten rose), rosemary, lambs ear, peonies, ferns, dianthus and foxglove. Most perennials are non-woody. They have a season of dormancy, and a few are evergreen. They have a season of bloom, bloom length can vary from 2 weeks to 4 months
Biennials grow as small plants in the first year they are planted, bloom in the second year and then die
Will your plants be in full sun, shade, or somewhere inbetween?
The rules of thumb we go by are these:
Full Sun is 6 or more hours of direct sun a day
Partial Sun or Partial Shade is 4 to 6 hours of direct sun a day
Full Shade is less than 4 hours of direct sun a day
Consider the angle of the sun, as well. Northern exposurers become much shadier in the winter and southern exposures get much more sun in summer
Full sun plants like bright sunny areas. Many full sun plants will be perfectly happy with sun 14 hours a day, every day, however will need to stay hydrated. Many annuals need water daily, especially if they remain in the sun all day. Look for signs such as wilting, loss of gloss on leaves or dry soil.
Most annuals prefer soil to be moist 2 or 3 inches down. It is best to water the soil and not the plant itself and plants should be fertilized every 7-14 days. To conserve moisture and prevents many soil-borne diseases, it is best to mulch the flower beds with 1 to 3 inches of mulch or other organic covers. It is best to avoid gravel or stone since they absorb the sunlight and traps heat.
Our commitment to quality is backed by the fact that we grow the annuals that we sell in our very own greenhouses. Every step of the growing process is supervised to ensure that our plants are of the very highest of standards and ready to thrive in your landscape! Let our staff help you select the perfect flower for your specific needs.